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BEDROOM RITUALS: How to Create the Best Cosy Bedroom Vibe

BEDROOM RITUALS: How to Create the Best Cosy Bedroom Vibe

Want to make your bedroom your very own oasis? I know it is in mine.

I have always been a bed person. I have always had strict rules to anyone who should enter my bedroom abode (ask my husband) it has to be cosy, safe and calm.

Here is how you can make your bedroom your beautiful oasis. 

Eco warrior items for low impact lifestyle

How to TRY better at having a low impact life TODAY

There is this common misconception that a low impact life requires you to be an off-grid strict vegan who makes everything from scratch. Not true. You too can start making some really easy changes to your world, which all adds up to making it a better place (or at least stopping it from getting worse!) I have been researching online and scrolling the accounts of sustainable eco-warriors to try and find where my place is going to be - achievably- as I really want to be on the lower impact side of life!
7 essential oil bottles in a row in front of a "yoga soul collection" chart which is leaned against a wooden box. A large crystal is in the background on the left.

Which of Your Chakras are Out of Balance?

Some of you may be new to the Chakras, whereas others may be up to speed - especially if you are a yogi you may hear the terms being used more ofte...
How to Repurpose your Empties

How to Repurpose your Empties

Our planet needs our support now more than ever. We are striving to show our love and do our bit for Mother Nature to be as sustainable as possible...
Who takes care of YOU?

Who takes care of YOU?

Have we been brought up thinking that putting ourselves first is selfish? Of course we’ve heard that being ‘good’ is to put others first - but we a...
Are Essential Oils Safe for my Pet?

Are Essential Oils Safe for my Pet?

Dogs and cats have a very good instinct for essential oils and even seem to know what is good for them. As we all know, dogs especially, have a ver...
Beautiful Ways to Support your Body through Migraines

Beautiful Ways to Support your Body through Migraines

Beautiful Ways to Support your Body through Migraines I have had a few clients who have suffered from migraines and have requested a blend - and th...
Essential Oils During Pregnancy

Essential Oils During Pregnancy

It can be super confusing when you are pregnant and googling what is safe and what is not safe to do while pregnant, there are conflicting readings and not everything is true! This is what you need to know from a qualified aromatherapists side of things, and what essential oils I am happy to recommend...

Our Serums are for All Skin Types - but how?

Our Serums are for All Skin Types - but how?

Why our oils are Ah-mazing and good for all Skin types:
They key word is BALANCE.

You don't need to be constantly hunting down 'suitable skin type' products - you can use a one-for-all! WHY?

Custom Blends:  What can we do for you?

Custom Blends: What can we do for you?

You have heard that essential oils are good for you, you like the smell, but how can they actually help you?
Greenwashing:  What is this and what the heck is really natural when it comes to products?

Greenwashing: What is this and what the heck is really natural when it comes to products?

In the beauty industry, the terms ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ are used freely, regardless of the quality of a product.  This is know as 'greenwashing'.

Read this article for more about this term...

Five Essential Oils Every Woman Needs in Her Day

Five Essential Oils Every Woman Needs in Her Day

In today’s world, women especially, are running at a pretty high vibration. It seems we are doing a lot more than those before us – the pressure and expectation on us is huge and life can be very exhausting. It’s so important that we take time to simply breathe, create space in our minds, ground ourselves and rest. Sometimes it can be hard to do this, right?!  Thankfully, natural therapeutic essential oils are there for us and are an enormous help.